maxi king

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maxi king's Guestbook

QuengelJan 7, 2011

LOL! Ihr gebt auch immer alles weiter, was??? Gut, daß wir keine Nachbarn sind... zumindest (oder besser NUR) darauf bezogen. Und jaaaaaaaaaa....... etwas selbst gemachtes... sehe ich jeden Tag und hängt an der Wand \:wub\: ! Wäre schön, wenn Du doch zu facebook kommen würdest.... (gibt es u.a. auch in deutsch) ich treibe mich da nur noch rum \:o \:o da hängen auch etliche von hier rum \:D \;\) Wünsche Dir noch einen schönen, ruhigen KRANKENFREIEN Abend!!! Und tue Dich auch ganz dolle knuddeln!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

xtinabobinaJan 7, 2011

hey irmtraut!! it has been SOOO long. at least a year or so. How have you been? I'm doing well. I'm still at a university pulling through school to get my 3D animation degree. Did you have a wonderful holiday?

topaz27Jan 7, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, Yeah Friday \:\) our weather has been mild all week, but this morning the snow began again \:rolleyes: everything is now covered snow white yet again, just after we got rid of it all \:wacko\: I don't think it will stay long though because it's still not freezing like it was over Christmas, I do hope you get rid of all your icy weather, I'm sure your son was absolutely delighted to be off school \:D it's been a busy week here too and I never got to sim at all, so I need to make up for it now \:P well dear friend wishing you a wonderful day and I'm off now to have a look at your new pictures \:rah\: lots of hugs \:wub\: Topaz 

ekinegeJan 7, 2011

Hi Irmtraut!\:wub\: Thank you so much for your lovely comments on the "Sweater With Bolero Effect - S45".\:wub\: Have a great weekend.\:\)

Ame-CJan 4, 2011

And I have added one more picture, have a look!

Ame-CJan 4, 2011

Irmtraut, when you reach my gallery and opened it, click on "details" to see the extra photo"s. Take care!

Ame-CJan 4, 2011

I have just uploaded some extra pictures take a look! And let me know, on the picture of the dog, see if you can spot the houses in the background!

luckyoyoJan 4, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, I ment to say last time I wrote about your download, you have 100,00 that's fantastic!! \:D Well done Irmtraut!\:rah\: I'm so pleased for you,\:rah\:  here's to another 100,000! \:rah\:  i'm back at work on wednesday (tomorrow)\:\( I'm not looking forward to that, Wishing all your snow to go and spring to come early, keep warm my friend.\:wub\: Dee xxxx

Ame-CJan 4, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, sorry for only returning your message now. We have been away on our summer holiday and has only returned yesterday. We have been to a very remote area with no internet and TV connections. It was a wonderful experience, so many snakes, tortoises, scorpions and field mice all over the place. It was on the West Coast of Africa, we had amazing weather, sunshine all day and mist in the morning. I will try and load pictures later. Happy new year to you also! I see you guys had a lot of snow, we never get snow, and I am very happy about that!!! God Bless you. Amelda.\:rah\:\:wub\:

Nisse2earsJan 3, 2011

Happy new year!!

luckyoyoJan 3, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, How are you? My mum and dad didn't mind me sleeping on there sofa they were just disapointed, Thanks for the compliment on my new banner, \:wub\: I'm so glad most of your snow is gone,\:\)  ours has gone completely now which is great\:D  but like you said it's still very cold,\:\(  I can't wait for the spring!! \:cool\:  I'm sorry I haven't got back to you when you wrote to me over the christmas period, \:o I've had a very busy few weeks and when I was at home I was sleeping all the time, \:o I'm so happy it's all over and we can get back to normal,\:D \:D  I'm off to download some music with the money I got at christmas,\:D  I wish you warm weather, keep warm my friend.\:wub\: Dee xxxx

PralinesimsJan 3, 2011

Thank you so much for your comment on my screenshot! \:\) We wish you a gorgeous week! ♥

guineapigs44625Jan 2, 2011

No Problem \:\) Happy new year x

topaz27Jan 2, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, Do hope your keeping well friend and wishing you a lovely day \:\) lots of hugs \:wub\: Topaz

AngelaJan 1, 2011

Hi Irmtraut! Happy Newyear and that all the best may come to you!

QuengelJan 1, 2011

FROHES, NEUES, GESUNDES JAHR VOLLER LIEBE!!!!!!!!!!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Ich hoffe, Deine Kopfschmerzen sind weg?! Ich hatte gestern ein verspätetes speziell für mich gemachtes Weihnachtsgeschenk per Post bekommen... weißt ja von wem \;\) \:D \:P lol! *KNUDDEL DICH AUCH DOLLE ZURÜCK* \:wub\: \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 1, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, Well it's now 2011 \:\) hope your having a lovely new years day with your family, all our snow has now gone at last and it's much milder, do hope it stays that way, and I hope it stays warmer for you too  \;\) hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

ziggy28Jan 1, 2011

\:D Hiya Irmtraut, thank you for your new years wishes\:wub\: I havent been creating over the holidays, I have been having a rest\:D But will be back to creating new things soon\:D Your patterns are getting really good, you certainly have got the hang of making them now\:wub\: TC ((((((hugs)))))) Lorraine

ruhrpottboboJan 1, 2011

Vielen Dank für den netten Kommentar, gutes neues Jahr !

luckyoyoJan 1, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2011!!\:wub\:  Dee xx

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